Shatter your mask, it's pretty under there. In case of emergency, break glass, it's thinner than it looks. The shards won't cut you. They are splintered parts of yourself. They strike a chord and bring you to your center. They free you.
The Madrone tree has blood red paper-thin bark that peels away and curls up into brittle pieces to reveal a rich butterscotch brown trunk. Red and tan, like a lion. Red and orange like fire. An old brick building, housing warm golden light. Madrone symbolizes strength, safety, and protection. Safe for the lightning to strike to shatter the shell to get in and get out.
The Eight of Wands in tarot are about lightning-fast movement towards a target. A lot happening, with fire energy. There is a point to the urgency. Lazer focus. Whatever it is you want, you must do it now. Make the most of forward momentum. Strike while the iron is hot.
The eighth card in tarot is Strength, depicted as a lion. A triumphant conclusion to a life problem. The card shows a woman stroking a lion's forehead and jaw. He could kill her, but he won't. Strength to separate self-interest and self-control. Strength and safety to go to the broken places and pour your love all over them.