Yarrow. Boundaries.
Yarrow. Boundaries.
Print on canvas 12”x16” Includes a card with the description of the art piece and a photo print of the featured tree or plant.
Yarrow. Boundaries.
These are yarrow flower stems with the air and earth element symbols in the center, surrounded by layers and layers of closed, open, broken, fortified, thin, big, small, long, short boundaries. Yarrow regulates boundaries and opposites. She protects and opens. She guards with strength and receives with softness. She connects the crown chakra and root chakra: spirituality and stability, air element and earth element. Uplift and ground. Like a Capricorn sea goat, climb big mountains and go down into the depths. Hold the wide range.
When a boundary is disrespected, yarrow helps you discern how and where and when to adjust. When to distance. How distant. When to be close. How close. When to keep someone out. When to let someone in. Intuitive knowing and tangible doing.