Usnea. Golden Thread.
Usnea. Golden Thread.
Print on canvas 12”x16” Includes a card with the description of the art piece and a photo print of the featured tree or plant.
Usnea. Golden Thread.
There is a Golden Thread, a theme as valuable as gold, that is woven into the story of our lives. It is a conduit of energy that softly and subtly connects people, places, time, experiences, and dimensions. It holds a series of parts together, significantly related events, purposeful repetition, synchronicities.
This is Old Man Usnea, lichen that hangs from trees like ornaments and cleans forest air and human lungs, where grief is held. Old, because he grows very slowly, 1cm every three years, connecting season after season, decade after decade, storm after storm, wisdom and wounds from each chapter. Follow the thread through each meaning, dimension, loss, love, and person as valuable as gold.