Elder. Just Out of Reach.

15 elder.jpg
15 elder.jpg

Elder. Just Out of Reach.


Print on canvas 12”x16” Includes a card with the description of the art piece and a photo print of the featured tree or plant.


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Elder. Just Out of Reach.

Holding up a pipe dream. Can you have it all? One part. Two parts. Just part. Which part. Parcel it out. Divide into more sellable parts. Going elsewhere. Passing by. 

Bittersweet Nightshade. Comfort and soothing after bittersweet endings and fidelity after betrayal. They grow and bloom in the night. Stems, flowers, berries plucked, lightning strikes. Some say it's medicine, some say it will get you high, some say it will kill you. Do you want to take that risk?

Wildflowers. Pearls Everlasting, a necklace broken and spilled on the floor, find the pearl you love. Purple edible Fireweed flowers filling fields after fire, tall, eye level, irresistible. Plump. Rose. Hips. Sweetened by a snap of frost. Delicious, but not for you. Just out of reach. On a separate trajectory. 

Elder sticks. They say if you sit under a Red Elderberry bush, the hollow stems funnel down wisdom to you from your elders in the sky. What would your elder self say? What does your older, future self have to say? The answer just out of reach.